Fiction Often Tells Us What’s Coming
Sometimes fiction gives us a glimpse of the future.

Books Are Good For You
Expand those neural pathways and live vicariously!

Armchair Travel via Death in the Kremlin
Oh, the places you’ll go without ever leaving home!

When Your Main Character Suddenly Invades Another Country
The perils of using real people as fictional characters.

The Role of Chance in our Lives, or How a Single Moment Can Change Everything
From unexpected meetings to book that change our lives, E. J. Simon ponders the role chance—or fate—can play in our daily lives.

One of the most-asked questions of authors is “Where do you get your ideas?”
Dreams, travel, colorful friends … E. J. Simon considers where the ideas for his books come from.

Thoughts on the Progress of Artificial Intelligence
We’ve come a long way since HAL turned homicidal in “2001: A Space Odyssey,” but where is AI headed from here?

Artificial Intelligence Has Caught Up With My Fiction
Ten years ago, my premise — that Alex Nicholas had himself “copied” into an AI in the Cloud before he died — was called far-fetched by some reviewers. Not anymore.

Is fiction a look into the heart and soul of the author?
Despite an author's assurances that certain characters are not a reflection of his own personality, they often are.

Are My Fictional Characters Real?
Many of my characters are loosely based on people I know, but I try not to be limited by reality.

Novels & Politics
When I’m writing, I’m not looking to find another way to divide us or to create more angst for myself than I already have.

What is fiction, anyway?
I want to be James Bond, but I don’t want to be swimming with crocodiles or get dissected by Goldfinger and his industrial laser. I like going to bed early.

Multiple Lives
Being a writer is likely as close as I’ll to come to fully experiencing a different life—and maybe that’s just as well.

Traveling and Writing
Changing the places where I write changes more than the scenery.